SK Battery factory - Iváncsa

SK On Hungary's second Hungarian investment is the battery factory located at Iváncsa. We took part in this construction with a fairly large number of workers. On average 90 of our workers worked there. With a high number like this, we managed to do a lot of work in a short time period. From cable trays and cable ladders to control units and high voltage distributors, we did everything.

Kanizsa Aréna - Nagykanizsa

The sports center at Nagykanizsa named Kanizsa Aréna was one of our first independent constructions. On this worksite, we were present as electrical contractors.

Poultry farm - Rém

In the small town of Rém there are multiple poultry farms and we participated in the renovations of it. But here we only did the technology. Our colleagues had to install, and program am numerous controls, sensors, motor protectors, frequency converters, etc...